Margo DelliCarpini被任命为联邦校园副总裁兼执行校长




宾州大学公园. ——Margo DelliCarpini, 易胜博娱乐分校的校长兼院长, 被任命为联邦校园副校长和执行校长, 10月有效. 1. DelliCarpini将取代David M. 卡列霍·帕萨雷兹自7月以来一直担任临时职务 凯丽·奥斯汀的离开. Callejo 佩雷斯 will resume his duties as associate vice president and senior associate dean for academic programs for the Commonwealth Campuses. 

易胜博娱乐分校负责学术事务的副校长安德鲁·奥古斯特, 被任命为临时总理, and a national search will commence to identify a new leader at the 阿宾顿 campus. 

阿宾顿是一所位于市区的大型多元化校园. DelliCarpini了解联邦校园的使命和独特需求, 大学的优先事项, 以及如何有效地将两者结合起来,使学生受益, 教师, 教职员及校友,贾斯汀·施瓦茨说, 执行副校长兼教务长. “作为总理,她给自己带来了巨大的活力和激情, and I am thrilled to have her extend that enthusiasm in her new role leading Penn State campuses across the commonwealth. 在此,我也要诚挚地感谢刘博士. 佩雷斯, who stepped up to provide strong leadership to the Commonwealth Campuses for the past few months.” 

DelliCarpini自2021年1月以来一直领导易胜博娱乐分校, where she has compiled an accomplished record of strategic leadership and a commitment to student access and success, 学术奖学金, 社区外展及多元化, 公平与包容. Key achievements during DelliCarpini’s tenure as chancellor and dean include gaining township approval for rezoning the 阿宾顿 campus to clear the way for  building the first new academic space on campus since 1973; appointing the campus’ first cabinet-level diversity, 股本, inclusion and belonging director; and developing a mini cluster hire initiative to increase diversity of 教师 demographics, 学术活动和课程设置, resulting in 12 of the 14 教师 hired this year identifying as 教师 of color or from underrepresented populations. 

在她的新角色中, DelliCarpini will report to the 执行副校长兼教务长 and provide administrative leadership for Penn State’s 20 Commonwealth Campuses, 包括阿宾顿, 阿尔图纳, 海狸, Behrend, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 杜波依斯, 菲也特, 更大的阿勒格尼, 巨大的山谷, 哈里斯堡, 黑泽尔顿, 利哈伊谷, 蒙特中音, 新肯辛顿, 斯克兰顿, Shenango, 斯古吉尔河, 威尔克斯-巴里和约克. 这些校园每年大约招收24名学生,在校学生达1000人, 学士和研究生学位课程, 除了4之外,300 students enrolled in World Campus academic programs delivered by the Commonwealth Campuses. Forty-six percent of first-year residential students begin their Penn State experience at a Commonwealth Campus, where they either finish all four years of their degree or transition to another Penn State campus to complete their degree through the 大学的2+2计划

DelliCarpini will provide leadership to the Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses and oversee the Commonwealth Campuses’ academic and administrative programs and operations, including strategic and facilities planning; integrating diversity, 股本, 包容和归属于学生招聘, retention and the student experience; 教师 recruitment and development; program and curriculum development; and select institutional student aid programs. 校园校长将直接向DelliCarpini汇报, 谁将担任联邦校区的预算主管.  

“联邦校区真正履行了易胜博的赠地使命. They are the cultural and intellectual hubs of their communities and serve as engines of economic development, 将易胜博带到宾夕法尼亚各地的社区,德利卡尔皮尼说. “I believe that we are at an inflection point as an institution of higher education and that we have the opportunity to redefine how Commonwealth Campuses support the overall land-grant mission of Penn State, 以及他们如何在社区中扮演锚定机构的角色, building on strengths and history while looking to the future and positioning campuses for the next exciting and successful era of the University.  

She also will sit on the University Senate Council and work closely with the University 教师 Senate leadership and the Commonwealth Caucus; work in partnership with the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research to advance Penn State, including the Commonwealth Campuses’ 20 innovation hubs located in University communities across 宾西法尼亚. 她将与本科教育办公室合作, 易胜博全球, 研究生院, Online Education and Student Affairs to advance academic programs and support student engagement, and with the Vice President for Enrollment Management to oversee an enrollment strategy for the Commonwealth Campuses. 

作为易胜博娱乐分校的校长和院长, DelliCarpini一直负责教学学术课程的质量, research and service; strategic planning; budgeting; philanthropy; 教师 and staff development; outreach; and community and alumni relations. 作为财政大臣, DelliCarpini监管超过3个,000名学生, 320多名教职员工, 25个学士学位课程, 与易胜博大峡谷分校的MBA合作项目, 美国大学体育协会第三级体育项目, and numerous outreach initiatives and partnerships that benefit the region and beyond.  

位于费城附近, 阿宾顿是易胜博最多元化的校园之一, 53%的学生认为自己来自代表性不足的群体, 44%是第一代大学生,10%是成人学习者. 

“作为第一代, non-traditional college student and proud recipient of public higher education degrees, 易胜博和联邦校区为学生提供的机会, the role as cultural and intellectual hubs that the campuses play in their communities, and Penn State’s impact on the economic mobility of its graduates are benefits that I have experienced firsthand,德利卡尔皮尼说.  

在她到易胜博之前, DelliCarpini was vice provost for strategic educational partnerships and dean of the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Texas at San Antonio. She previously served as professor and dean of the College of Education at Morehead State University in Kentucky, 也是雷曼学院的教授, 是纽约城市大学的一部分, where she also served as chair of the Department of Middle and High School Education.  

她获得了语言学学士学位, a master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and a doctorate in linguistics from Stony Brook University. She is a licensed English as a Second Language educator and school district administrator through the New York State Education Department. 

DelliCarpini was editor of the TESOL Journal from 2009 to 2015 and has authored numerous book chapters and refereed articles on English language acquisition, 专注于英语语言艺术教师的准备和发展. 在她的众多项目中, 她曾为一个获奖作品担任期刊编辑, 14卷参考丛书, 《易胜博》.”